Jan 1, 2005
I conceived, designed, modeled, rigged, and animated this low poly 3D character for ScubaMonkey Software. There are 1194 polys. The movie shows the animation sequence for the different behaviors in the game; attack 1, attack 2, idle, move, etc. This was my first 3D...
Jan 1, 2004
This was a semester-long, game design group-project during Spring 2004 at the University of Florida, made up of 3 classmates and myself. The Adobe Acrobat file is a low-res copy of the 88 page book that compiles the game images and content we created during the...
Jan 1, 2003
This is a death match (DM) map for Unreal Tournament 2003, the award winning first person shooter PC game. I created it as a Digital Production Studio semester long assignment for Fall 2003, at the University of Florida. The map is based around an abandoned mine on...